About Me

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I`m going to start uploading all my PV/MV`s on here, it is only asian PV/MVs though =P I hope it will be useful to at least someone. ^-^ I will be uploading it all to Megaupload,(MU) but if links from other sites are needed i`ll see what i can do to get it on another server. =P The credit for the videos would just have to go to various sites, because i probably don't remember where i got them from *fails* -.- but if you see anything here that is yours, just tell me and i`ll credit you right away. ^-^ well hope you find something you want XD

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Nightmare - Raven Loud speeeaker

Download link:
Nightmare - Raven Loud speeeaker (on MU)


Nightmare - The WORLD


Anonymous said...

hi is it possible to request pv for rock the planet and space cowboy from daigo stardust please

Anonymous said...

by the way thanks for sharing pv s i really appreciate it^_^ !!!

Anonymous said...

sorry it s me again !! can the files be uploaded to sendspace please it would bemuch appreciated!!!

KaoriKawaii said...

ah, right now im not taking requests sorry, but if you like dont mind having to wait for a while, ill see what i can do to get a request post up and ill see what i can do about it then? ^-^ (but its probably going to take quite some time cus school is..a bother -.-)

Anonymous said...

ok then!!! i don t mind at all