About Me

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I`m going to start uploading all my PV/MV`s on here, it is only asian PV/MVs though =P I hope it will be useful to at least someone. ^-^ I will be uploading it all to Megaupload,(MU) but if links from other sites are needed i`ll see what i can do to get it on another server. =P The credit for the videos would just have to go to various sites, because i probably don't remember where i got them from *fails* -.- but if you see anything here that is yours, just tell me and i`ll credit you right away. ^-^ well hope you find something you want XD

Monday, September 15, 2008


right now im at school -.-
yes im such a good student, writing in my blog when im at school XD
who doesnt do that >.>

and im sorry for not uploading Miyavi sooner, but since he had so many PV`s it took longer, i told you i wasnt going to upload as fast as before XD
since school started and stuff, we have like tons of homework and im not used to it at all because in high school we almost didnt have homework and it was so easy XDDD
and sometimes the school days end late and stuff, so i can only upload in the weekends =P

yes i really am bored XD its norwegian class and we have to find a lyric person XD
my group chose Eric Clapton (ok we changed to another person XD) so im gonna go find info on him now =P
ill upload the next artist (which i think is Morning Musume XD) on friday or saturday if i have time ^-^
byebye~ =P

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