About Me

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I`m going to start uploading all my PV/MV`s on here, it is only asian PV/MVs though =P I hope it will be useful to at least someone. ^-^ I will be uploading it all to Megaupload,(MU) but if links from other sites are needed i`ll see what i can do to get it on another server. =P The credit for the videos would just have to go to various sites, because i probably don't remember where i got them from *fails* -.- but if you see anything here that is yours, just tell me and i`ll credit you right away. ^-^ well hope you find something you want XD

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I know its long but please read it, if you like this blog!

ok seriously, sometimes (or actually quite often...) blogger/blogspot annoys me so much,
it is extremely slow a lot of the time, and if its not slow, no blogs hosted by blogspot shows up!
for example, just now before i logged on to write something on here that ive forgotten now btw i had to wait like 3 effing hours before the site actually came up and i would be able to log on, really, am i the only one with this problem!! (ok i know im not because ive googled it a little and it seems that some people are having these problems, but maybe its my country XD)

Do you people who use this site or would want to come to this site have this problem?
the site wont show up and stuff?
it seems that it depends on what time it is, or from where you come from.
because it seems like ive gotten comments on here at times i myself wouldnt be able to log on or even get blogspot to show, thats why im wondering if i am the only one with this problem.

and actually right now blogspot is annoying again, see when or if i write long post that take quite a lot of time this comes up after a while, just because blogspot was only working properly for a moment when i started writing, but as time went, blogspot messed up again, and i get this "Could not contact Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying..."

uploading videos and making the posts with links and stuff take time, and sometimes it stops saving and if i put a new video in the post and it has stopped saving, i would have to do that all over again, and i would also have to wait with publishing my post and videos, making you guys have less artist to choose from XDDD
and it takes me longer to finish uploading all my PV/MV`s -.-

well people please tell me if there are times you have problems accessing the site, i would like to know ^-^
because ive been considering moving my blog to another site that hosts blogs, if it is possible to move all the posts i already have up here to that site, so i wouldnt have to do it all over again, but i would only go to that extent if i keep on having major problems with blogger and if other people also have problems coming to this site!

ok im done now, sorry for this long rant and blah.

i just have one more thing to say, i would like to give a special thanks to Urashima and valentine_angel, because those two seem to be the only people who have commented on here,i dont really need comments, but its nice to get once in a while, so i know my work is appreciated and that people find it helpful in some way, so thank you to them ^-^ yeey =P

ok so if you did read it all, thank you for reading! ^-^
and im sorry for not being able to make small posts so you wouldnt have to read so much =P
well see ya! ^-^

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