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I`m going to start uploading all my PV/MV`s on here, it is only asian PV/MVs though =P I hope it will be useful to at least someone. ^-^ I will be uploading it all to Megaupload,(MU) but if links from other sites are needed i`ll see what i can do to get it on another server. =P The credit for the videos would just have to go to various sites, because i probably don't remember where i got them from *fails* -.- but if you see anything here that is yours, just tell me and i`ll credit you right away. ^-^ well hope you find something you want XD

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Updates on the MV uploading and random stuff =P

*~*~Update on the MV uploading~*~*

So lately i haven`th been uploading, and that is because for a little over a week i went to this deserted place with my family and had no connection to a computer or internet and such -.-
But now im back and i wont be able to upload in at least a couple of days maybe weeks, because when i got back i found out that my external hard drive, is kinda dead >.> it works a little and i have to move all my files to another drive, and the dead one cant stay on for too long so it might take a while, but when i get it up and working again i will start uploading again ^-^
for now you will just have to settle for the files already up XD

~On to the randomness~

Ok so since ive started to move my other files to another drive i decided to make a fanvid for Heechul from Super Junior, since i had all their files moved already, but i had to find some clips of him for the vid and i found that very hard >.< style="text-align: center;">

I know that this video could probably be hotter, but yah yah, maybe i will re-do it if i find Heechul clips to download XDD


a couple of days ago i was just watching random clips of DBSK on the net, then i found a video of Jaejoong singing Footsteps on X-man, it is so nice, I just love that clips ive found myself watching it over and over XD

I dont really think that is a song he should have sung for the couple thing, cause i dont think the lyrics would be fit for that, but it seemed like the girl was moved though I would probably be too even if the lyrics was like that, just because his voice sounds so good XD

somewhere i read that the song was for when he broke up with his girlfriend, i dont know if this is true or not, but he got teary eyed during the song, that might have been just acting, but it really looked like he wanted to hide it a little, maybe he was thinking of his ex or something, felt a little sorry for him that brief moment, because if it was meant for his breakup with his ex, it seemed like from the lyrics that it was pretty hard for him it seemed like he kinda wanted the person to hurt, like getting revenge or something im over thinking stuff too much arent i? and i dont even need to think too much about it either XD oh well i still love this clip =P

In the end he did the octopus dance XDDD
so hot XDDDD
so funny! =P
Chae Yeon was really loling and wtfing over at the side there XDD
his face during the whole dance was just so precious, he was totally serious (like octo dance is srs bissniss XD)
and that is probably proof of him acting really good and making the teary scene would probably not be too hard to act for him.

yeah ok im done now XD (your probably thinking, "oh thank god" right about now XD)
well byebye~ ^-^V


Henrique said...

Hi! I'm from Brazil and love your Blog. Thanks for PVs ^^
Can you released more PV of the Farenheith or A'ST1? Please.

KaoriKawaii said...

Hi thank you! ^-^
for now i wont be taking requests, i will just upload what i have first, then when im done i`ll see what i can do to get more Fahrenheit on here ^-^ and for A'ST1, i dont think they have released more MV`s, they only have one at the moment =P

Henrique said...

Okay. ^^
Thanks for answer.
I'm download all what you have!
Korean music I discover not long ago. The korean bands are very very good. Already I heard various musics.
I began the like from the artists from there after I heard the ost from the doramas Goong and My Girl.
Are you watch?

KaoriKawaii said...

ah ok ^-^
yeah the Korean bands/groups are really talented, i didnt discover Korean music too long ago either, but it got me hooked =P
ah no i haventh seen those dramas, i have only seen Korean movies, dont think i have seen any K-dramas, ive only seen j- and tw-dramas, i think XD