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I`m going to start uploading all my PV/MV`s on here, it is only asian PV/MVs though =P I hope it will be useful to at least someone. ^-^ I will be uploading it all to Megaupload,(MU) but if links from other sites are needed i`ll see what i can do to get it on another server. =P The credit for the videos would just have to go to various sites, because i probably don't remember where i got them from *fails* -.- but if you see anything here that is yours, just tell me and i`ll credit you right away. ^-^ well hope you find something you want XD

Friday, August 29, 2008

New MV/PV uploading update....probably something random again after that though XD

*~*~Update on the MV uploading~*~*

If you come to the site frequently or something you have probably noticed that i haventh been uploading as fast as before, and that is due to school, it just started and i have to get used to a new school and such.
I`ll try to to at least have one new artist/group/band up every week, it might be little but its something right? =P
and there are artist whom i have a lot of MV/PV`s from, and those would probably take a little longer than others XD
well hope you can bare with me, and be patient with me? XD


Vote in the poll people! XD
only like 2 days left, vote for what you want, even vote if you dont care at all (theres and option for that too XDDD)
and having people voting in the poll is also a way for me too see that people actually come to the site and that my uploads are helpful to people, since not everyone would like to leave a comment XD and thanks to those that have left comments, its nice ^-^

*~*~Random stuff~*~*
(oh you knew it was coming XDD)
warning: there may be a lot of youtube vids going to be put up in this post XD
sorry if that bothers you *bows* but you dont have to read it right =P)

ok so lately ive been listening to Sung Si Kyung`s English covers, just discovered him last week,
and i must say, i love his voice, i would marry his voice =P
he did like three cover songs with Lena Park, and i really like Lena Park`s voice too (most of the time at least =P) from Lena Park i really love the song Vincent by Don Mclean (i think =P) that she covered, i could listen to it over and over again *-*
but the person that uploaded that video to YT did not want it to be embedded, so if you want to hear it you will have to search it up on there ^-^

Sung Si kyung did a cover for I just Called to Say i Love you by Stevie Wonder, i love the way he sang that.
His voice generally is just so amazing, its so soothing and it seems like he sings effortlessly, like it just comes out perfect XDDD
he is a ballad singer and i think his voice really suits old classics though, and i would guess that he prefers the old classics too, since most of his (if not all) the English covers are from old classic songs XD oh and the fact that he seems completely fluent in English helps too =P

I just Called to Say I Love You

I love the way he got the crowd to sing with him and when they sang "I love you" near the end, he went, "I love you too" i thought that was really sweet ^-^V

oh and this clip is really short, but its really nice and he sings LOVE by Nat King Cole? =P


ok so now i will end this utterly long post =P (like all my posts arent long >.>)
oh and if people hasn't noticed, i upload alphabetically =P (except for the JE stuff because i had all the JE stuff in one folder which was under J so they just came in there XD)
and i will try to upload at least one artist/group/band today ^-^

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